Packaging On Diapers Might Vary!


April 10, 2019 4 min read

Older brother kissing newborn sibling

In honor of National Sibling Day, if you have an only child but are planning for another, then this is a perfect time to learn how to prepare your child for the arrival of a sibling. Whatever time frame you’ve decided to have another baby, you'll never forget when you had your first child. When you're a brand first time mom, everything is new. You are learning “on the fly”, from Google searching the great unknowns, to devouring every parenting blogger tip the Internet can feed you. You read all the labels and follow the instructions to the letter.

Older sister sitting on porch with baby toddler


The Veteran Mommy After Baby #1

By the time you are ready to have baby number two, you’ve gone through Mommy Bootcamp. You’ve been there and done that a zillion times. You’ve experienced breastfeeding or bottle feeding every two hours, getting zero sleep, toilet training, bedwetting accidents, toddler night terrors, learning to crawl and then walk, experiencing attachment anxiety, and finally preschool. Whew! By the time you’re considering number two, and doing it all over again, you might be asking yourself one question all Moms ask themselves, “Am I crazy?”

No, you’re not crazy. However, research does indicate that trying to have another baby when your little one is just barely starting to crawl is not a very good idea. Medical experts suggest proper spacing between each child should be thoughtfully considered. Having children back-to-back can cause physical and psychological problems.

Timing When To Have Baby #2

According toMayo Clinic, getting pregnant six months after giving birth can increase the following risks:

  • Premature birth
  • The placenta partially or completely peeling away from the inner wall of the uterus before delivery (placental abruption)
  • Low birth weight
  • Congenital disorders
  • Schizophrenia

Medical professionals suggest that the best time to have another baby is 18 months (a year and a half) from when you last gave birth. This is because you're giving your body time to heal, as well as bonding with baby. If you choose to breastfeed and followed your pediatrician's suggestion, then you've most likely breastfed for the first year. By 18 months, your baby is officially a toddler. He or she is eating solid foods, has learned to walk, can say 10 to 20 words, and understand one-step commands such as "grab the ball" or "sit down."  A year and a half into your first little human's rapidly developing life is the best time to consider trying to for another.

Four Tips On Preparing An Only Child For Baby Brother or Sister?


Up until this point, you've had one child, and your attention has revolved entirely around this cutie. But, preparing him or her for a new little sweet pea can help them make a smoother transition into this monumental lifestyle adjustment, not to mention, potentially avoid sibling jealousy.

  1. As baby grows during pregnancy, introduce your older child to your bump. Especially when you hit five to six months, and the baby starts to kick, let your little one feel the baby, talk to the baby, and get to know his or her sibling. This helps to jump-start the bonding process early not just for Mom, but for her eldest child.

  2. Plan for the arrival and first meeting baby sister or brother a very special moment, so there's a positive association with this moment. You can have family members decorate the home when your older child isn't there with balloons, cake, and fun birthday type of decorations. You and baby can be waiting and surprise your first born, having Dad or a family member walk him or her in. Make sure to have a "congrats you’re a big brother or a sister" balloon and card on hand.

  3. Make sure that you shower your first child with lots of attention and love. Reassure him or her that they are loved and very special too. Because a newborn takes up a lot of energy and time, it's vital to schedule personal one-on-one time with the eldest. This will make him or her not feel ignored or left out, which are the two biggest jealousy culprits. Divide time between you and your spouse, so that there's never a moment where your eldest feels neglected.

  4. Do expect him or her to regress from time to time and even become alarmed over cute and cuddly baby, whaling his or her lungs out. During one-on-ones, try to make the time all about your eldest. Though also prepare them in advance to expect that the family schedule has changed and that quiet nights will likely be filled with baby’s cry.

While National Sibling Day will come and go, parents can teach their children to celebrate, appreciate, respect, and love their siblings. There will always be fights over toys, random quarrels, and even a little competitive sibling rivalry. What’s important is to shower all of our children with equal praise, admiration, and positive reinforcement. After all, our little humans will grow up to be big ones. What we teach our children and how we treat them can leave lasting effects.

Happy Little Camper: What Touches Your Baby’s Skin Matters

brothers kissing

How we parent makes a significant impact on our children and their future as adults. Likewise, what touches your newborn’s skin makes an impact on their overall health and wellbeing. Diapers not made with natural ingredients are usually made with harmful chemicals. Synthetically produced diapers have chemicals that are linked toearly maturation in girls. Internally, exposure to chemicals over time can absorb within vital organs, causing harm. Externally,skin reactions and allergies can also develop due to chemicals found in some conventional, non-natural diapers. If you made the mistake of using an alternate, conventional brand with your first child, don’t make the same mistake with the second. Happy Little Camper hypoallergenic diapers + wipes are made with natural, biodegradable ingredients and contain no harmful chemicals, dyes, or fragrances.


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